Sunday, August 24, 2008

Why Do I Feel Like Shite??

I have been blood tested to death and the answers may be found over at GF Geisha.


Anonymous said...

OHHHHH! I am so sorry, I DO love you long time, I just forgot to put you there! AMENDING NOW!

I've been loving the shink work you're doing...


Middle Child said...

Went over to GF Geisha...shite it sounds serious!

Middle Child said...

How come I didn't know you were GF geisha till i read it... now I'll have to add that to my blog roll darn it!

Ms Smack said...

I found out that I am not gluten-intolerant but I am MILK intolerant. Lactose intolerant to be certain.

It's a fuckin' relief and a helluva lot easier to maintain.