Blair just phoned to say he passed the medical with flying colours, the HR lady just phoned and made official offer of job, is couriering our the Offer of Employment now.
So .....
My husband fucken rocks my socks!!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Organisation, Now Beginning ......
Keep the rhythym, keep it going.......
I was watching Supernanny last night

And I need to get some sort of routine in my life.
I am all over the place and my kids have no structure.
Apparently it's all about routine, so I think I'm going to do a little planner up.
As gay as it may sound I really need to try something.
Lost another 600g this week, slowly but surely. Didn't exercise, drunk wine at our BBQ on Saturday and ate a bit shittily but didn't beat myself up about it. That's life. So down to 106.8kg. I'll be at a good healthy weight by the end of the year if I keep this up.
Blair had his test, seemed all good but needs to wait for results to go to the HR department and we will find out either way early next week. Fingers crossed.
This is a boring arse post so I'll sign off, have a great weekend and I'll be back with exciting shit next week.
I was watching Supernanny last night

And I need to get some sort of routine in my life.
I am all over the place and my kids have no structure.
Apparently it's all about routine, so I think I'm going to do a little planner up.
As gay as it may sound I really need to try something.
Lost another 600g this week, slowly but surely. Didn't exercise, drunk wine at our BBQ on Saturday and ate a bit shittily but didn't beat myself up about it. That's life. So down to 106.8kg. I'll be at a good healthy weight by the end of the year if I keep this up.
Blair had his test, seemed all good but needs to wait for results to go to the HR department and we will find out either way early next week. Fingers crossed.
This is a boring arse post so I'll sign off, have a great weekend and I'll be back with exciting shit next week.
Monday, January 26, 2009
To Quote Yazz ......
The only way is up!!!
Firstly, lost another 800g as at Friday. That's 4.8kg in 3 weeks and takes me from 112.2 to 107.4kg. Yay. Moving on.
The day after my last post Blair got a letter in the mail saying "thanks but no thanks" for the job he was desperately waiting to hear about. It gutted him to say the least.
Then after a tumultuous week of trying to decide what we were going to do ....
on Friday he gets a phone call at work from the HR Admistrator for the job he'd missed out on.
"Hi Blair, I understand you would have received a letter last week saying you missed out on the job, well, we'd now like to offer you that positions, dependant on a successful medical and drug test and after confirmation of your referees."
Of course, Blair is through the roof happy.
He is stressing a wee bit though. Blair and I are very occassional pot smokers. Let's just say that a small amount would last us near on a year. Blair hadn't had any for ages and then, when he got the letter that he'd missed out he had a few drinks that Friday night and later on, decided to have a wee smoke. Of course now he is stressing his butt off that he is going to fail the pre employment urine test. Me, I don't think it should be a big issue. He is only a very occassional smoker, surely it will be out of his system after 13 days. Surely???
Anyone know the ins and outs of this sort of thing??
And please don't judge us if this is not your cup of tea, we all have our ways of living our lives, if we aren't harming you, please don't condemn us.
Firstly, lost another 800g as at Friday. That's 4.8kg in 3 weeks and takes me from 112.2 to 107.4kg. Yay. Moving on.
The day after my last post Blair got a letter in the mail saying "thanks but no thanks" for the job he was desperately waiting to hear about. It gutted him to say the least.
Then after a tumultuous week of trying to decide what we were going to do ....
on Friday he gets a phone call at work from the HR Admistrator for the job he'd missed out on.
"Hi Blair, I understand you would have received a letter last week saying you missed out on the job, well, we'd now like to offer you that positions, dependant on a successful medical and drug test and after confirmation of your referees."
Of course, Blair is through the roof happy.
He is stressing a wee bit though. Blair and I are very occassional pot smokers. Let's just say that a small amount would last us near on a year. Blair hadn't had any for ages and then, when he got the letter that he'd missed out he had a few drinks that Friday night and later on, decided to have a wee smoke. Of course now he is stressing his butt off that he is going to fail the pre employment urine test. Me, I don't think it should be a big issue. He is only a very occassional smoker, surely it will be out of his system after 13 days. Surely???
Anyone know the ins and outs of this sort of thing??
And please don't judge us if this is not your cup of tea, we all have our ways of living our lives, if we aren't harming you, please don't condemn us.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Economic Arse Turn
So 2008 sucked anus for a number of reasons. Some you know, some you don't.
2009 is starting well health wise. I have made some permanent changes, am losing weight, another 800g this week, putting total to 4kg in 2 weeks (8.8pds). I feel better, am walking and enjoying that side of life.
On the shit side we may recall that I lost my job in November. Blair found work, albeit temporary, at a building company and has just found out that he has one week until no longer required. Building consents are down to a 17 year low. Building is not an industry in NZ to be trying to find work in!!
The registration is overdue on our Isuzu Bighorn, the diesel miles are 13,000 overdue, the Honda has been sitting in the drive since Blair's accident and is 2 weeks off being deregistered due to being unlicensed. I can't relicense it before it has a Warrant of Fitness. I can't get a WOF without a new tyre, a new battery, a new front passenger window and the driver's seat being fixed - and a years registration being paid up!! I am 4 weeks behind in the rent but have a set up with my landlady to pay an extra $125 a week on top of our regular rent to get on top of things. I'm behind on the credit card payments, I'm behind on the GE Money loan, my dog's shots are due ..... you are getting the picture here???
Blair was down to one of three for a trainee structures worker position with Ontrack (the government department that manages the railway lines etc) and had his interview on 22nd December. We have yet to hear anything. In a year we have gone from being in credit with all bills, on top of everything, savings in the bank to being in this absolutely shit position with only 2 more pays!!
So last night I sat Blair down and we tried to nut through what angle we are going to take to get through this. With any normal bloke this would be fine but Blair being Blair, whenever he is under stress he lashes out verbally and feels like he is backed into a corner. He doesn't handle it all being on him. Now, I could get a job but we have had issues with Blair being at home and it pretty much can't be an option for me to not be here. My eldest is about to get her period, is getting wee boobies etc and Blair just doesn't cope with this new change and Peta really needs Mum here for her. It goes deeper, there is conflict and it is imperative that I am here.
Blair just refused to talk about our options last night, packed a shit about everything being on him etc and went to bed. Leaving me at my wit's bloody end.
When the fuck is our break going to come??
When the fuck is my husband going to grow up??
When the fuck????
2009 is starting well health wise. I have made some permanent changes, am losing weight, another 800g this week, putting total to 4kg in 2 weeks (8.8pds). I feel better, am walking and enjoying that side of life.
On the shit side we may recall that I lost my job in November. Blair found work, albeit temporary, at a building company and has just found out that he has one week until no longer required. Building consents are down to a 17 year low. Building is not an industry in NZ to be trying to find work in!!
The registration is overdue on our Isuzu Bighorn, the diesel miles are 13,000 overdue, the Honda has been sitting in the drive since Blair's accident and is 2 weeks off being deregistered due to being unlicensed. I can't relicense it before it has a Warrant of Fitness. I can't get a WOF without a new tyre, a new battery, a new front passenger window and the driver's seat being fixed - and a years registration being paid up!! I am 4 weeks behind in the rent but have a set up with my landlady to pay an extra $125 a week on top of our regular rent to get on top of things. I'm behind on the credit card payments, I'm behind on the GE Money loan, my dog's shots are due ..... you are getting the picture here???
Blair was down to one of three for a trainee structures worker position with Ontrack (the government department that manages the railway lines etc) and had his interview on 22nd December. We have yet to hear anything. In a year we have gone from being in credit with all bills, on top of everything, savings in the bank to being in this absolutely shit position with only 2 more pays!!
So last night I sat Blair down and we tried to nut through what angle we are going to take to get through this. With any normal bloke this would be fine but Blair being Blair, whenever he is under stress he lashes out verbally and feels like he is backed into a corner. He doesn't handle it all being on him. Now, I could get a job but we have had issues with Blair being at home and it pretty much can't be an option for me to not be here. My eldest is about to get her period, is getting wee boobies etc and Blair just doesn't cope with this new change and Peta really needs Mum here for her. It goes deeper, there is conflict and it is imperative that I am here.
Blair just refused to talk about our options last night, packed a shit about everything being on him etc and went to bed. Leaving me at my wit's bloody end.
When the fuck is our break going to come??
When the fuck is my husband going to grow up??
When the fuck????
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I'm Going Hippy
I've decided, that's fucken enough.
I've had it with being responsible and planning life time and time again to hve it fail.
I am going to the bush------y armpits brigade. I'm am going to burn incense (already do), smoke pot and have wonton sex with my husband and wear moontime cotton pads and rinse them in a bucket and pour the fertile water over my vegetables (salad anyone??).
I'm going to celebrate my womanhood, my life, my spirituality and I'm going to get the crystals out and balance my chakras. I'm going to smile and make my own bootleg rum and live off the land and bathe in the river and warm my bare breasts under the sun.
I'm going to let my kids run feral in the fields and chase butterflies and skip and sleep under the stars. I'm going to swim in the river, listen to the trees and rise and fall by the sun.
I'm going to live, laugh, love and be happy (when the red red robin comes bob bob bobbin along).
I'm going to learn tantric sex and dance under the moon and be a witch and make potions and wear flowy skirts and tie dyed indian tops.
Fuck it's going to be great ..... anyone else up for it???
I've had it with being responsible and planning life time and time again to hve it fail.
I am going to the bush------y armpits brigade. I'm am going to burn incense (already do), smoke pot and have wonton sex with my husband and wear moontime cotton pads and rinse them in a bucket and pour the fertile water over my vegetables (salad anyone??).
I'm going to celebrate my womanhood, my life, my spirituality and I'm going to get the crystals out and balance my chakras. I'm going to smile and make my own bootleg rum and live off the land and bathe in the river and warm my bare breasts under the sun.
I'm going to let my kids run feral in the fields and chase butterflies and skip and sleep under the stars. I'm going to swim in the river, listen to the trees and rise and fall by the sun.
I'm going to live, laugh, love and be happy (when the red red robin comes bob bob bobbin along).
I'm going to learn tantric sex and dance under the moon and be a witch and make potions and wear flowy skirts and tie dyed indian tops.
Fuck it's going to be great ..... anyone else up for it???
Friday, January 9, 2009
Dub Did A Laaaaaa......
First week of my new life change, gluten free (ok, apart from one small fish and chip slip up --- moving on ...), more water, moving more, healthier options resulted in a loss of
3.2kg baby!! That's 7pds for you pound people.
So, this blog ain't about weight loss and I wasn't going to do full posts purely about my weekly weighin but fuck it ... I deserve to break my own rules.
3.2kg baby!! That's 7pds for you pound people.
So, this blog ain't about weight loss and I wasn't going to do full posts purely about my weekly weighin but fuck it ... I deserve to break my own rules.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Drownings, trampers going missing, children dying in fires ....
What is it about summer that makes people think they are invincible and no longer heed the natural warnings and danger signs of life??
The one that affects me the most is the fires. There have been a number of deaths recently of children in fires. This week four children were killed in a house fire. The adults had been frying food and left the pan unattended. A harsh price to pay for a bit of absentmindedness. (is that a word??)
Sunburn?? I had my sister in law pop around the other day with her kids and mother in tow. The mother is 64 and yet, was foolish enough to sit outside with her bra and pants on (skin that never usually sees the light of day) and had severe sunburn. What a dick. I mean any mother, especially a grandmother, knows that the sun burns.
People!!! Think about things, take a minute to assess the risks, we aren't invincible, sometimes you just can't be so cruisey. You have to pick and choose the things in life that are cruise-worthy.
Be safe.
What is it about summer that makes people think they are invincible and no longer heed the natural warnings and danger signs of life??
The one that affects me the most is the fires. There have been a number of deaths recently of children in fires. This week four children were killed in a house fire. The adults had been frying food and left the pan unattended. A harsh price to pay for a bit of absentmindedness. (is that a word??)
Sunburn?? I had my sister in law pop around the other day with her kids and mother in tow. The mother is 64 and yet, was foolish enough to sit outside with her bra and pants on (skin that never usually sees the light of day) and had severe sunburn. What a dick. I mean any mother, especially a grandmother, knows that the sun burns.
People!!! Think about things, take a minute to assess the risks, we aren't invincible, sometimes you just can't be so cruisey. You have to pick and choose the things in life that are cruise-worthy.
Be safe.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Thank fuck for that.
Goodbye year from hell.
Let's never meet again.
Hello 2009, year of basics.
That is what it will be for me. Basics, no complications, living in the now, positive thoughts bringing positive things.
Changes for good, no diets, organisation on my behalf.
Love you all.
Weigh in tomorrow, no sane person weighs on New Years Day after drinking alcohol till 3am in the morning!!
Goodbye year from hell.
Let's never meet again.
Hello 2009, year of basics.
That is what it will be for me. Basics, no complications, living in the now, positive thoughts bringing positive things.
Changes for good, no diets, organisation on my behalf.
Love you all.
Weigh in tomorrow, no sane person weighs on New Years Day after drinking alcohol till 3am in the morning!!
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