I got to the end of my third day and I just thought, this is crazy!!
I can't go another five days with no protein, I just can't.
I have high fasting insulin as it is and I started to get quite dizzy and vacant and then I nearly fainted and Blair said "fuck this, eat something".
I have wanted to do this cleanse for ages but in reality, it sort of goes against what I want to achieve in the short term - which is a healthy attitude towards food, my body and my self esteem. This is just counteracting it as I am obsessing about all the "food" around me. So I will leave this cleanse until I am at the point of feeling comfortable in my body and, to be honest, I am on anti hypertensives, diuretics and anti depressants, and should have consulted my doctor before starting this. At least I haven't cracked the herbals yet so Blair might do it when he in a good space.
But, I do feel pretty great and have woken up this morning with the healthy fruit and veges still implanted in my mind and had a beautiful, fresh pineapple, mango and raspberry with organic unsweetened acidophilus yoghurt smoothie. MMMMMMM.
So I think I will continue on with all these fruit and veges but will need lean steak, chicken, fish, eggs and legumes, gluten free bread (when desired) and other essentials to survive (is wine essential, surely it is??).
In other news:
Blair got underpaid by $3 an hour for his first week!!
The clutch master and slave cylinders in our Isuzu decided to stuff out on Tuesday night, in mechanics now getting fixed for the nice little price of $340.
My "work day" is working out just dandy.
My two toddlers are driving me insane.
I haven't caught up on anyone's blogs all week.
I forgot to send Chris H's lavendar, will do in the morning Chris, hopefully you weren't desperate, bad bloggy friend that I am.
I am off to see Damian Kristoff and LeeAnne Wan of Downsize Me fame on Tuesday night. I put myself in the draw for a free ticket and am stoked to be going along to their seminar. Thanks Jo!!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Day 3, yippeee!!!!!
I feel better today.
Not as hungry.
Thanks for all your comments. I must state that I am a very nearly qualified naturopath and do know exactly what my body needs for survival and I'm giving this cleanse a go because a) I bought it ages ago and don't want to waste the $119 I spent on it and b) I have heard first hand that it has worked and c) if nothing else, it gives me a good start to eating more healthily.
That been said, popped around to a buddy's last night to discuss our ten year old girls and their issues!! She offered me a glass of wine and I said yes and drank half of it before it even clicked that I was on a detox!! What a dick. Then again, the booklet that comes with it says one drink a day is not going to undo what you are doing, so that's okay.
I am lacking a bit in energy today but I think I need some more fruit and I better go eat some right now.
PS, Jim, would love to hear more about your experience with the Cleanse. I'm open to all views and opinions.
PPS Kitty, don't tempt me to eat ham and cheese toasties you cunning little pussy cat. A healthy liver is great at detoxing but an unhealthy one that is "fatty" and shown to be enlarged on an ultrasound can do with a little help. Dandelion root, ginger, fennel, alfalfa, barley grass, etc etc all good things, not bad.
Not as hungry.
Thanks for all your comments. I must state that I am a very nearly qualified naturopath and do know exactly what my body needs for survival and I'm giving this cleanse a go because a) I bought it ages ago and don't want to waste the $119 I spent on it and b) I have heard first hand that it has worked and c) if nothing else, it gives me a good start to eating more healthily.
That been said, popped around to a buddy's last night to discuss our ten year old girls and their issues!! She offered me a glass of wine and I said yes and drank half of it before it even clicked that I was on a detox!! What a dick. Then again, the booklet that comes with it says one drink a day is not going to undo what you are doing, so that's okay.
I am lacking a bit in energy today but I think I need some more fruit and I better go eat some right now.
PS, Jim, would love to hear more about your experience with the Cleanse. I'm open to all views and opinions.
PPS Kitty, don't tempt me to eat ham and cheese toasties you cunning little pussy cat. A healthy liver is great at detoxing but an unhealthy one that is "fatty" and shown to be enlarged on an ultrasound can do with a little help. Dandelion root, ginger, fennel, alfalfa, barley grass, etc etc all good things, not bad.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Day Two and I'm Starving
How does a person survive on these bloody cleanse thingimibobbys??
I am starving my anus off!!
I had a berry, pineapple, rice milk and organic unsweetened "schnizz" yoghurt smoothie this morning. Yummy, then I have had a big bowl of homemade pumpkin soup with a bit of yoghurt and chives on top. Last night dinner consisted of a corn cob and some carrots!!! I am really hungry!!!
Was going to do cleanse over ten days and do an ease in period of 5 days but that just not going to work as I have a great pal's hen's night next Saturday. So I have decided to do the five day version and start off with just three days easing in.
The Ultimate Cleanse booklet suggests that you have 3 - 7 days of cutting out all carbs and potatoes and meat and eggs and dairy etc. So ALL I am eating is fruit and veges with the odd bit of natural yoghurt thrown in. Then on fourth day I start taking 60 herbal tablets a day to start getting my intestines moving.
I am coping but only just. All I want is a ham and cheese toastie, don't care if it's gluten free bread, just want something of substance.
Have nearly finished a Naturopathy unit with my new "work day" routine. House in good order too.
That being said, I must go "back to work".
I am starving my anus off!!
I had a berry, pineapple, rice milk and organic unsweetened "schnizz" yoghurt smoothie this morning. Yummy, then I have had a big bowl of homemade pumpkin soup with a bit of yoghurt and chives on top. Last night dinner consisted of a corn cob and some carrots!!! I am really hungry!!!
Was going to do cleanse over ten days and do an ease in period of 5 days but that just not going to work as I have a great pal's hen's night next Saturday. So I have decided to do the five day version and start off with just three days easing in.
The Ultimate Cleanse booklet suggests that you have 3 - 7 days of cutting out all carbs and potatoes and meat and eggs and dairy etc. So ALL I am eating is fruit and veges with the odd bit of natural yoghurt thrown in. Then on fourth day I start taking 60 herbal tablets a day to start getting my intestines moving.
I am coping but only just. All I want is a ham and cheese toastie, don't care if it's gluten free bread, just want something of substance.
Have nearly finished a Naturopathy unit with my new "work day" routine. House in good order too.
That being said, I must go "back to work".
Monday, February 23, 2009
Ultimate Cleanse
About two or so years ago a couple of you guys did the Ultimate Cleanse.
I bought a pack and was supposed to do it before my wedding but kept having things on so didn't get around to it.
After indulging in a few Vodka and Raspberry RTD's on Saturday night, and suffering the fatigue that followed, I decided to bloody get my Ultimate Cleanse out and get into it.
I can't go too much into it as I am on my "work day" routine and only have 3 mins left to be on internet!!
Any questions you want to know about it, just ask.
I am great by the way. Living and loving my life.
I bought a pack and was supposed to do it before my wedding but kept having things on so didn't get around to it.
After indulging in a few Vodka and Raspberry RTD's on Saturday night, and suffering the fatigue that followed, I decided to bloody get my Ultimate Cleanse out and get into it.
I can't go too much into it as I am on my "work day" routine and only have 3 mins left to be on internet!!
Any questions you want to know about it, just ask.
I am great by the way. Living and loving my life.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Lost a kg, last week, put on 800g this week.
This is ridiculous.
I've become complacent, was so impressed with my easy weightloss not dieting that I just reverted to my usual shite.
But with the posting of my Procrastination dilemma I have received a heap of good info, a few boots up the arse and a whole lot of support.
I can do this.
Kitty put me on to a great website of a guy called Craig Harper, he is a motivational speaker and trainer dude and, oh my gosh, he is so great. Cuts to the chase, doesn't accept the excuses but gives a shitload of good advice. Go check him out, you so will not regret it.
I am in the process of making some little plans, no big monumental planning going, just a rough routine for me. I am going to focus on approaching my day at home with the kids as a work day. I will allow myself "breaks" as such and I will only be on the computer in these breaks for personal use. Facebook and blogging are absolutely awesome ways of catching up with people etc but, holy shit, are they time wasters or what?? You only intend to jump on to see what's going on in the FB community that you have formed and, before you know it, you've been on for an hour. So that's it.
My day is going to be focused on my kids, my housework, my study, my dog and exercise.
My breaks can be for catching up time.
That being said, I need to go and do some shit. Hubby home tonight, been away for the week with new job and I need to have a lovely comfy house for him to come home to with a suitably spruced up wife to greet him. I have indulged in being a bit slovenly over the last two days so now is time to haul arse and get things in order.
Have a great weekend.
This is ridiculous.
I've become complacent, was so impressed with my easy weightloss not dieting that I just reverted to my usual shite.
But with the posting of my Procrastination dilemma I have received a heap of good info, a few boots up the arse and a whole lot of support.
I can do this.
Kitty put me on to a great website of a guy called Craig Harper, he is a motivational speaker and trainer dude and, oh my gosh, he is so great. Cuts to the chase, doesn't accept the excuses but gives a shitload of good advice. Go check him out, you so will not regret it.
I am in the process of making some little plans, no big monumental planning going, just a rough routine for me. I am going to focus on approaching my day at home with the kids as a work day. I will allow myself "breaks" as such and I will only be on the computer in these breaks for personal use. Facebook and blogging are absolutely awesome ways of catching up with people etc but, holy shit, are they time wasters or what?? You only intend to jump on to see what's going on in the FB community that you have formed and, before you know it, you've been on for an hour. So that's it.
My day is going to be focused on my kids, my housework, my study, my dog and exercise.
My breaks can be for catching up time.
That being said, I need to go and do some shit. Hubby home tonight, been away for the week with new job and I need to have a lovely comfy house for him to come home to with a suitably spruced up wife to greet him. I have indulged in being a bit slovenly over the last two days so now is time to haul arse and get things in order.
Have a great weekend.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Procrastinator Extraordinaire
That's me.
I am a "gunna". I'm always in the middle of telling somebody, somewhere, somehow .... that I am going to finish my Naturopathy, I am going to exercise more, I am going to spend more time with the kids, I am going to spend less time on the computer, I am going to learn to sew, I am going to get my budget on track, I am going to have a date with my husband every two months, I am going to be more positive, I am going to wash the dog, I am going to get the house in order, I am going to a million and one bloody things but .... do I ever?? No I bloody well don't.
I NEVER do any of those things.
I have walked for 20 mins this week. Whoopdee shit.
I have had the house in order for a total of two hours. Whoopdee shit.
I have done about 30 mins on my Abnormal Structure and Function assignment. Whoopdee shit.
That's basically the crux of it. Whoopdee bloody shit. What is the key to walking the walk?? And believe me, I can talk the talk, I can advise every Tom, Dick and Harriet what THEY should be doing for optimal health and happy living. So why the hell can I not follow through with my journey. Am I just a lazy bitch?? Really, maybe it's time to admit that I may just be. So then, how to you get your lazy gone?? How do you get sexy, motivated, healthy, fit, loving, "doing" back??
AAAAAARGHHHH HELP ME ...........................................
That's me.
I am a "gunna". I'm always in the middle of telling somebody, somewhere, somehow .... that I am going to finish my Naturopathy, I am going to exercise more, I am going to spend more time with the kids, I am going to spend less time on the computer, I am going to learn to sew, I am going to get my budget on track, I am going to have a date with my husband every two months, I am going to be more positive, I am going to wash the dog, I am going to get the house in order, I am going to a million and one bloody things but .... do I ever?? No I bloody well don't.
I NEVER do any of those things.
I have walked for 20 mins this week. Whoopdee shit.
I have had the house in order for a total of two hours. Whoopdee shit.
I have done about 30 mins on my Abnormal Structure and Function assignment. Whoopdee shit.
That's basically the crux of it. Whoopdee bloody shit. What is the key to walking the walk?? And believe me, I can talk the talk, I can advise every Tom, Dick and Harriet what THEY should be doing for optimal health and happy living. So why the hell can I not follow through with my journey. Am I just a lazy bitch?? Really, maybe it's time to admit that I may just be. So then, how to you get your lazy gone?? How do you get sexy, motivated, healthy, fit, loving, "doing" back??
AAAAAARGHHHH HELP ME ...........................................
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
And In Being Myself I Shall Contend With .....
those that won't like it!!
I said to Mum the other afternoon, I'm over my hair, I've always wanted dreadlocks, I think I might get them. Do you know what she said??
Grow up. Grow Up?? Grow the fuck up???

Why is it that so many people are intent on voicing their opinions on people's personal preference?
Some of you may recall early last year when I shaved my head bald to raise money for Leukaemia. Well, previous to that I had been having an overwhelming urge to shave my head bald anyway, it was really a bit of a copout on my behalf that I used the Shave for A Cure as a way of doing something I really wanted to do under the guise of a charity. Don't get me wrong, I had my motivations for raising awareness for Leukaemia as well but I gained from it also.
Maybe I should start a charity that involves getting dreads in return for sponsorhip to do it. What would be an appropriate charity for funds to go towards raised from a person getting their head dreaded??
I said to Mum the other afternoon, I'm over my hair, I've always wanted dreadlocks, I think I might get them. Do you know what she said??
Grow up. Grow Up?? Grow the fuck up???

Why is it that so many people are intent on voicing their opinions on people's personal preference?
Some of you may recall early last year when I shaved my head bald to raise money for Leukaemia. Well, previous to that I had been having an overwhelming urge to shave my head bald anyway, it was really a bit of a copout on my behalf that I used the Shave for A Cure as a way of doing something I really wanted to do under the guise of a charity. Don't get me wrong, I had my motivations for raising awareness for Leukaemia as well but I gained from it also.
Maybe I should start a charity that involves getting dreads in return for sponsorhip to do it. What would be an appropriate charity for funds to go towards raised from a person getting their head dreaded??
Monday, February 16, 2009
On Track
Blair starts his new job today. He was so nervous this morning, of course he wouldn't admit it but, I knew.
So, with my husband on track and doing his bit, it's my turn to get the ball rolling.
I am, as many of you know, studying Naturopathy. I have been since 1999!! Ten years FFS!! I have withdrawn from the course twice when I have had babies or fulltime jobs and it's just not been possible to handle four little kids, a full time job, life and full time correspondence study.
But now is the time for me. I am home until Sian starts school in just under three years. Until then I am studying hard out to make sure I am a qualified Naturopath as soon as possible. Then I will do a post grad year via Charles Stuart Uni in Australia to gain my Bachelor in Health Sciences (Comp Medicine).
This is all part of the real me. I have tossed this career choice back and forth a hundred times. I am an undecisive person, I struggle to stick with a decision but I am really attempting to be true to myself and, most importantly, stop with the excuses and get off my buttocks (generous that they are) and make it happen. For me.
Living true to oneself is the only way to live, or else you live a wasted life.
What is your truth?
So, with my husband on track and doing his bit, it's my turn to get the ball rolling.
I am, as many of you know, studying Naturopathy. I have been since 1999!! Ten years FFS!! I have withdrawn from the course twice when I have had babies or fulltime jobs and it's just not been possible to handle four little kids, a full time job, life and full time correspondence study.
But now is the time for me. I am home until Sian starts school in just under three years. Until then I am studying hard out to make sure I am a qualified Naturopath as soon as possible. Then I will do a post grad year via Charles Stuart Uni in Australia to gain my Bachelor in Health Sciences (Comp Medicine).
This is all part of the real me. I have tossed this career choice back and forth a hundred times. I am an undecisive person, I struggle to stick with a decision but I am really attempting to be true to myself and, most importantly, stop with the excuses and get off my buttocks (generous that they are) and make it happen. For me.
Living true to oneself is the only way to live, or else you live a wasted life.
What is your truth?
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Whom I Be Rolling With #1
A few bloggers I know do this, or did this. They would regularly let you into their world of blog reading. Now you all know what I blog about, from the comments you can see who is reading and commenting. So I thought, to let you into what I enjoy, I will give you an insight into what I enjoy reading.
There will be four categories:
Mod Cons: Blogs that I am just starting to enjoy.
Faithfuls: My favourites, the girls or boys that are my comfort, my ears, my daily reads, laughs and from whom I take the most life lessons from.
Antiques: Those that have gone, maybe to come back, maybe not, some missing in action.
The Secret Drawer: The password blogs. Those that I have the privledge of being invited to read.
Now I have titled them all based on household items, I don't know why, I just have.
The Mod Cons are the new gadgets, the little things that you're glad you have discovered to make life easier or better.
The Faithfuls are the comfort blankets, the old cushions, the favourite chair, the best place in the house, life would be hard without them.
The Antiques are the old treasures in your house. They timeless, valuable yet you don't use them anymore...
and the Secret Drawer, well that's where you hide the vibrator!!! The good things that for whatever reason aren't left on the kitchen table.
So the first inaugral post:
My current Mod Con is Epskee at Barrel of Monkeez. This woman is brilliant, outspoken, real. I love her frankness, open book attitude and love that I found her. Check her out when you have a spare minute but be warned, she is self proclaimed 18+, not for the easily offended.
My Faithfuls, there are SO many of you that help me out daily and you all know who you are and I will be going through each and every one of you (it would help if some of you would blog more regularly again *AHEM* moving on). The first of you to be mentioned is my darling Therese at Middle Child. This gem of lady is one of the few people in life that I truely admire. Every time I read her I swell with emotion, I feel her heart and mind and soul. She is a brilliant writer, mother, artist, wife and advocate of the downtrodden. She runs against the mainstream and has dealt with a shit load of adversity in the last couple of years losing her paraplegic husband Don in a myriad of medical fuckups that ended his brilliant life. She is strong, spiritual and I wish I lived next door to her!! I found her through Cazzie, who I found through Steph, who I found through Kirsty. It's all about networking.
The Antique of this post, I had two in mind who I am fully missing but, due to her recent Facebook admissions, and the fact that this post is getting really long and I can combine the Antiques with the Secret Drawer with this one - my hidden antique vibrator this time around is Becks at Does My Opinion Look Big in This?. Obviously you will have needed to have previously been invited to this blog to see the musings of this awesome woman. She is vivacious, wears her heart on her sleeve, gorgeous, real, a brilliant mother, has overcome setbacks and has shown how a positive attitude can have a positive effect on your life. She found love and happiness and decided to leave to focus on her lovely life but ....... she is a natural writer, flamboyant story teller and I have a feeling that the lights may be about to come back on over at this little cottage of love. Is that the glow of a lantern I see in the back room?? I think it is xxxxxx
There will be four categories:
Mod Cons: Blogs that I am just starting to enjoy.
Faithfuls: My favourites, the girls or boys that are my comfort, my ears, my daily reads, laughs and from whom I take the most life lessons from.
Antiques: Those that have gone, maybe to come back, maybe not, some missing in action.
The Secret Drawer: The password blogs. Those that I have the privledge of being invited to read.
Now I have titled them all based on household items, I don't know why, I just have.
The Mod Cons are the new gadgets, the little things that you're glad you have discovered to make life easier or better.
The Faithfuls are the comfort blankets, the old cushions, the favourite chair, the best place in the house, life would be hard without them.
The Antiques are the old treasures in your house. They timeless, valuable yet you don't use them anymore...
and the Secret Drawer, well that's where you hide the vibrator!!! The good things that for whatever reason aren't left on the kitchen table.
So the first inaugral post:
My current Mod Con is Epskee at Barrel of Monkeez. This woman is brilliant, outspoken, real. I love her frankness, open book attitude and love that I found her. Check her out when you have a spare minute but be warned, she is self proclaimed 18+, not for the easily offended.
My Faithfuls, there are SO many of you that help me out daily and you all know who you are and I will be going through each and every one of you (it would help if some of you would blog more regularly again *AHEM* moving on). The first of you to be mentioned is my darling Therese at Middle Child. This gem of lady is one of the few people in life that I truely admire. Every time I read her I swell with emotion, I feel her heart and mind and soul. She is a brilliant writer, mother, artist, wife and advocate of the downtrodden. She runs against the mainstream and has dealt with a shit load of adversity in the last couple of years losing her paraplegic husband Don in a myriad of medical fuckups that ended his brilliant life. She is strong, spiritual and I wish I lived next door to her!! I found her through Cazzie, who I found through Steph, who I found through Kirsty. It's all about networking.
The Antique of this post, I had two in mind who I am fully missing but, due to her recent Facebook admissions, and the fact that this post is getting really long and I can combine the Antiques with the Secret Drawer with this one - my hidden antique vibrator this time around is Becks at Does My Opinion Look Big in This?. Obviously you will have needed to have previously been invited to this blog to see the musings of this awesome woman. She is vivacious, wears her heart on her sleeve, gorgeous, real, a brilliant mother, has overcome setbacks and has shown how a positive attitude can have a positive effect on your life. She found love and happiness and decided to leave to focus on her lovely life but ....... she is a natural writer, flamboyant story teller and I have a feeling that the lights may be about to come back on over at this little cottage of love. Is that the glow of a lantern I see in the back room?? I think it is xxxxxx
Monday, February 9, 2009
Whom I Be Loving #3

For once in my life I actually feel pretty great in myself. I'm not that fond of the weight, it's slowly coming down, put a kg on last week but it's pre menstrual week, I had eaten some gluten due to being hugely lazy and I paid for it.
But I am starting to sit back and look at me.
A good hard look.
I am determined to start living it the way I want to. I have spent too many years trying to be something I'm not.
I've spent too many years eating my cares away and hating myself with a passion.
I am now loving me.
Mum of four.
Wife to one.
Intelligent, beautiful, funny (I could even go as far as saying I'm quite hilarious), strong minded, outspoken at times, fair, loving, caring, I'd do anything i could to help you out.
I'm a pretty great person.
So, at a risk of getting a big head, what do you love about me? Don't be shy, I'm sure there is a heap of pink fluffies coming my way.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
A Bunch of Random Things
**If you could would you lick your own anus or vadge or sausage if you have one?? I was just watching the cat give her arse a good clean and after my initial "holy fuck, what the hell are you doing?" reaction that I always get when I see her doing it, I then started to contemplate the handiness of it all. Not for cleaning purposes mind, I was thinking of the self satisfaction one could achieve. I remember a boy at high school (whose name escapes me but whose unfortunate face is forever etched in my memory) and his brother walked in on him in the empty bath trying desperately to suck his own dick. Ten points for effort but would you really want to???
**Why do we constantly conform to other's standards?? I have been recently reminded that some of my inner turmoil comes from the fact that I constantly have in my mind the person I am "expected" to be and if differs dramatically from the person I WANT to be. I am, as previously blogged, a hippie waiting to escape. But my father has always been outwardly damning of the hippie lifestyle. More so of those that bludge of the government so that they can sit on their arses smoking pot and doing fuck all. I am of the hippie mindset that working still applies but natural health, chakras, incense, inner peace etc etc, are all good things. More importantly I expect that one should live their life the way they want to, as long as it doesn't impede on other's safety or happiness. Eg if you like killing people then that is not okay, if you like beating animals that is not okay, if you like massive parties but live in a complex with five hundred other apartments that is not okay.
**Losing weight is not about dieting. It fucken isn't okay!! It's about taking control of your out of control eating. It's about expending more energy than you are taking in, it's about eating well balanced, nutritional meals the majority of time, but still allowing yourself to have luxuries as long as you don't beat yourself up for it and as long as you aren't indulging in luxury all day long.
**Housework sucks baboon arse. I mean seriously, who the fuck likes cleaning?? If you do, come see me, we can tee up a live in arrangement where you clean in exchange for my witty and outspoken company. Anyone interested??
**Blogging is great. I know, silly statement but very recently I have been overwhelmed at some of my closest friends and their insights and helpfulness. And the majority of you I have never met. Without this social network you would not have had the joy of my ramblings and I would not have had the joy of yours.
**Why do we constantly conform to other's standards?? I have been recently reminded that some of my inner turmoil comes from the fact that I constantly have in my mind the person I am "expected" to be and if differs dramatically from the person I WANT to be. I am, as previously blogged, a hippie waiting to escape. But my father has always been outwardly damning of the hippie lifestyle. More so of those that bludge of the government so that they can sit on their arses smoking pot and doing fuck all. I am of the hippie mindset that working still applies but natural health, chakras, incense, inner peace etc etc, are all good things. More importantly I expect that one should live their life the way they want to, as long as it doesn't impede on other's safety or happiness. Eg if you like killing people then that is not okay, if you like beating animals that is not okay, if you like massive parties but live in a complex with five hundred other apartments that is not okay.
**Losing weight is not about dieting. It fucken isn't okay!! It's about taking control of your out of control eating. It's about expending more energy than you are taking in, it's about eating well balanced, nutritional meals the majority of time, but still allowing yourself to have luxuries as long as you don't beat yourself up for it and as long as you aren't indulging in luxury all day long.
**Housework sucks baboon arse. I mean seriously, who the fuck likes cleaning?? If you do, come see me, we can tee up a live in arrangement where you clean in exchange for my witty and outspoken company. Anyone interested??
**Blogging is great. I know, silly statement but very recently I have been overwhelmed at some of my closest friends and their insights and helpfulness. And the majority of you I have never met. Without this social network you would not have had the joy of my ramblings and I would not have had the joy of yours.
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